You see, I´m thinking there must be some lost vampire along the line of my ancestors and I inherited its pale skin. So I basically burst in flames under the sun.

Therefore it was pretty obvious I wasn´t going to spend the entire afternoon on the beach with not even a single tree to hide under at noon on a very hazy day of November.
I grabbed a city map from the tourist office and walked to the southern point of Punta del Este to find the lighthouse.
And once I found it and took photos of it, I walked all the ay back to the Playa Brava but I choose to do so by the quieter coast of Playa Mansa. The only thing quiet about Playa Mansa is the water! Other than that, it´s rather noisy with many cars on the streets, tourist from everywhere wandering around, restaurants, bars and tall buildings.

I think that beaches and the ocean are beautiful, but don't spend lots of time there, mostly because of the sun and also because I can't swim very well ;) These photos are wonderful - I love all the shades of blue.