I´m starting up a new blog. It has the two things I love the most: travelling & photography. It started out because I got a bit tired of looking at wedding/engagement/couples in love blogs. Not that I dislike them. It just got a bit boring to me and since I thrive at the thought of travelling everywhere I decided it was a good thing to do. Of course, it´s still a brand new blog. I hope it grows soon. If you are reading this and wanna share some of your travelling adventures with me and the Internet world, then drop me a line using the email listed under the submissions tab. Check it out if you have a spare minute! 

1 comentario:

  1. Nati, ya me voy corriendo para tu nuevo blog! Este no va a funcionar más? Lo vamos a extrañar igual snif snif.
    Besotes grandes y que andes muy bien!
